It’s all about value now-a-days
Buyers believe they can get what you sell from a number of other vendors
- Accuracy of their opinion doesn’t matter
- If the buyer thinks it – it’s a reality in the only mind that matters
- Reality of the Marketplace: whatever you sell is a commodity
FAB is dead (Feature Advantage Benefit) and resurrected as VALUE
- If you are aiming at setting yourself apart based on Feature, Advantage, and Benefit the only way to consistently earn business is Lower your Price
- This is unsustainable in today’s “economy of scale” based business world – because there’s always someone bigger (and cheaper)
Opportunity comes from the market place lacking product differentiation
- People place high value on useful advice
- Corporate Experts are the second most valued opinion (next to academic experts)
- If you consistently create content that shows your expertise, buyers will look for you when they’re in the market
- Does giving up your expertise overrides the benefit of changing vendors – even at a lower price
Buyers are currently online looking for value
- We search online for information to figure out the best option (for ourselves)
- Buyers want your sales pitch to be available when they’re looking for it, but not pushed upon them