• Ignore the Paradigm Shift; at your peril

    Ignore the Paradigm Shift; at your peril

    Old Style Sales and Marketing **Rules have Changed** How do you get information? Where you look up answers to trivia?…

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  • What’s in your Focus?

    What’s in your Focus?

    Studies on memory and intelligence in an aging population suggest that the more you think about losing your memory—the better…

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  • Always give value

    Always give value

    Buyers believe they can get what you sell from a number of other vendors Accuracy of their opinion doesn’t matter…

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  • Know Yourself to Read Others

    Know Yourself to Read Others

    True self-assessment is painful. It is intrusively exposing in areas that we have (likely) given great effort to cover. A…

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  • Social Marketing starts with, “Know Yourself”

    Social Marketing starts with, “Know Yourself”

    I like to think of myself as a vast combination of unique factors that have made me what I am…

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