10 steps of Writing Down an Objective (#1-3)

Outcomes should be so tangible that you can taste them. The mission and vision should be seen everywhere you look, and punctuate each conversation.

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Design Your Outcome

Marketing includes no step by step GPS guidance system that informs each moment of uncertainty with your current location as well as the next three turns.

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Assumptions and Expectations

Establishing a framework of assumptions and expectations around which future negotiations are plotted will add the sharpness of intentionality to your toolbox.

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Read Your Prospect

It’s one thing to read body language with its eye movement or breathing patterns. It’s another thing all together to engage in reading people by checking the pace, pattern, and length of silence mixed with non-verbal cues (poker “tells”) while never firmly assuming their intent.

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Know Yourself to Read Others

The digital sun rises and sets on personal brand. How you are viewed comes complete with general assumptions and information filters, all mixed with experiences potential clients have had with similar brands. How you envision yourself is not always in line with the opinions held by the person across the table.

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