Social Networks and Real Life

Our physical and digital worlds are becoming completely interconnected.

Since the internet began the shift of “Geek” from a cut down to a term of endearment – there’s been an apparent disconnect between the real world and the digital world. This disconnect is beginning to fuse. There are computers we will wear as glasses, watches, and (based on the electronic devices we see in daily life) this is a transition we can’t avoid.

One of the most enjoyable pieces of the PBS series Downton Abbey is the annoyance, and verbal… put-out-ness of telephones, electric lights, and even too many cars in early 20th century. Today’s culture looks at the risks associated with using candlelight and restrictions that come with the lack of technology as foolish to fight against. Yet, half of the conversations we engage in (as a business) start with an expression of annoyance at this digital social tool. The only options are; ignore it, figure it out, or pay for it.

Digital Activity Statistics for Businesses:

  • 7.5 out of 10 people do not look past the options ranked on the 1st page of web search results.
  • Over half of the company pages on social media have no marketing plan for their page… and most of those have never created one piece of content. Companies take the time to set up an account, but never use the tool to acquire new prospects or develop existing clients.
  • The biggest statistic of all is that half of my target clients who have a social network presence used it yesterday.

Target clients are already online

They are looking for information, and respect what you have to say. They need an expert to help them make a decision. The question is whether I am on the list of people that they will use, or if my competition is responding to their emails, direct messages, and comments.

I want to be the former.