Website Ownership for Local Businesses: Ensuring Control Over Your Online Presence
Here’s a blog post reworded from the conversation you provided, aimed at local business owners: Is Your Website Truly Yours?…
Know Yourself to Read Others
True self-assessment is painful. It is intrusively exposing in areas that we have (likely) given great effort to cover.
Start here… who are you?
like to think of myself as a vast combination of unique factors that have made me what I am today.
Pride and Prejudice in business
Pride and Prejudice in business. Make quick decisions, by framing your thoughts ahead of time.
1 step to satisfying every client
We’ve all had clients we want to strangle… the solution is one conversation away. 720-298-9898
Simple Marketing + Smart Adjustment of a proven (and growing) industry/product + … the right time = PAYDAY.